Saturday, December 11, 2010

Roji Tea Lounge

Dec 9, 2010

"I brought a friend here to introduce her to Roji. We had the same taste in on the corky music played here. She talked about deep topics and she gave me a movie.  The movie is called 'The Fall'.  Amazing!  I had tears of joy."

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Dec 1, 2010 2:30 pm- Dec 2, 2010 7:45 pm

I once, in this city, witnessed a man walking around the SU campus, in the middle of a blizzard in a tshirt and shorts. It was insane!

I threw food around the café with the owner (egg trick).

I saw a guy on the ground, a girl was crying into her phone. This bike was on its side, it was raining and dark out.

Someone I care about has suffered a calamity. I love her but just because I don’t like the truth doesn’t make it any less true. Loving someone doesn’t make them a good person. And the truth about her and I is like my shadow. I can’t run away from it, and depending on the day, the truth is so much taller than me. I’m letting go of her. That’s my story today.